Qrejten Breakwater

The protection of Marsaxlokk fishing port in Malta is now possible with the construction of the Qrejten Breakwater and the deployment of coastal monitoring systems.
For many years, Marsaxlokk fishers have been calling for a new breakwater and offshore monitoring to protect and observe the inner harbour area including rough seas and storm events to prevent damages to their anchored vessels & shore based equipment.
The solution was to construct a breakwater to prevent high waves entering the harbour, monitoring offshore conditions, and reducing the impact on Marsaxlokk port: operations, buildings and business operations in addition to the promenade, one of Malta’s principal tourism zones.
The project was completed within 18 months, in December. This included the installation of lighting; power systems and environmental monitoring systems like that of Obscape’s Wave Buoy systems.
Obscape had the great privilege of supplying two Wave Droids for monitoring the new Breakwater. The Obscape Wave Droid which along with our latest launched Wave Buoy, use real time wave measurement and directional data to make better informed decisions for our clients’ coastlines
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