Design, build and offer precise real time environmental monitoring solutions to help our customers make better decisions.
We offer reliable, adaptable, and cutting-edge environmental monitoring solutions. With a strong global presence and an expanding network of partners, we ensure that our technology is accessible wherever it's needed.
If it doesn’t exist, we will create a solution!
Wave monitoring / Camera monitoring / Weather monitoring / Water quality monitoring / Current monitoring / water level monitoring / Asset tracking

OBS-BUOY400 Wave Buoy
Lightweight, tough, reliable wave measurement buoy, which accurately measures sea surface temperature, full bulk wave and directional wave spectra parameters. Real Time measurements transmitted to the free Obscape Data Portal through low-cost cellular communication.
Purchase includes: Access to the Obscape Data Portal, for the lifetime of your Wave Buoy, 8 x lithium D Cell batteries (up to 12 months lifespan) and 100 EUR free Cellular data (Data lasts up to 12 years).

OBS-BUOY7W Wave Buoy
Accurate, real time wave data captured via a robust telemetry solution (4G, 2G and satellite). Accessible via the free Obscape Data Portal. The OBS-BUOY7W was designed to make your life easy: no receiver station needed, solar-powered, simple mooring solution, deployable by hand and transportable as check-in luggage.
Purchase includes: Access to the Obscape Data Portal, for the lifetime of your Wave Buoy, and 5000 satellite credits to get you started.

PTM Datalogger
Obscape’s Power & Telemetry Module (PTM) is a highly convenient all-in-1 datalogger that will turn any 3rd party sensor into a plug-and-play real-time monitoring solution.
The popular Core PTM range will suit most areas of observation, but if you need to monitor something different, let us know and we will find the solution.

Data Portal
Real-time data from all your Obscape devices will be collected and accessible via the free Obscape Data Portal. The convenient map-based interface allows for integral management of your data, devices and operations.
Free for the lifetime of your Obscape device:
- Unlimited devices per project - Up to 50 users per project
- Software updates - Threshold alerts
- Reports - Diagnostics - Secure Login
- Forwarding options - White labelling